Varsity team of KVN “Agrarny (Agrarian)” is in the top three
On Monday, December 12, Saratov drama theater hosted the final of regional League of KVN. It was attended by six teams: the Team of SGU, "Prospekt Kirova", "SGTU-production", "Shaika-leyka (Coterie)", “Agrarny (Agrarian)” Team and the Team of Econoical University. They competed in three competitions: greeting, biathlon and home music assignment.

The performance was evaluated by a jury composed of the head of Engels League of KVN Elena Lubentsova, the Head of Department of coordination of youth programs of the Ministry for Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism Andrey Abrashin, presenter and showman Anton Zolotukhin, author and actor of KVN team "Saratov" Vasily Evdokimov and the President of the Saratov regional League of KVN Dmitry Bolshakov.

After three competitions the first place took the team " Shaika-leyka", the second was the team "SGTU-production", the third place was divided between "Prospekt Kirova" and “Agrarny (Agrarian)”. SGU team was fourth and the Team of Econoical University was the fifth. Anastasia Samokhina from the team of Medical University was the best actress of the 2016-season, and the best actor - captain of SGTU-team Vyacheslav Kolontaev. The winners received medals and prizes from partners.

Varsity team of KVN “Agrarny (Agrarian)” is in the top three Фото 1

< Varsity team of KVN “Agrarny (Agrarian)” is in the top three Фото 1 >